Cairo Group


This was a very special project and one of the biggest for the duo Ehab Taher and Mohamed Zein. The

With a high level focus on safety functionality and cost effectiveness this was a tricky project to maneuver due to

Our longstanding relationship with Mubasher created a strong bond built on trust of our ability to deliver. Their headquarters spanned

Going international through proving our top notch quality in all of our projects was the reason behind being appointed by

Our first off shore commercial project it was an enriching experience proving once again our ability to exceed high preset

This was a very special project and one of the biggest for the duo Ehab Taher and Mohamed Zein. The

Mamdouh is our very old client and he trusts us to make his dreams come true.

A very dear and special client to our company having started building his dream house from scratch all the way

Design Project for Mutlaq Al Ghowairi

Design Project for Mutlaq Al Ghowairi